
Side By Side

The latest edition of the CAFOD magazine Side By Side, Winter 2023, has been published. You can read this by clicking the adjacent image.
This issue contains a review of the year 2023, some ideas for new year resolutions, details of an exciting project bringing tradition and technology together in Liberia, comment on Pope Francis' letter Laudate Deum - a call to action on climate change and an article on the reclaiming of deforested land in the Amazon.

A Prayer for Food Justice
Lord Jesus, You understand what it is like to be hungry.
Teach us to have grateful and generous hearts.
Forgive us when we make selfish choices or remain silent in the face of injustice.

Lord Jesus, you welcomed all to your table.
May we recognise our interconnectedness with our common home and our global neighbours,
so all are invited to share the feast.

Lord Jesus, you come to us as bread and wine.
Fill us with your compassion.
Nourish us as we advocate for change,
and seek to make your kingdom a reality in our world.
