The offertory procession is the ceremonial presentation of the gifts of bread and wine by volunteers from the congregation to symbolise the desire of the people that the priest offer the sacrifice of the Mass on their behalf - it is not only the priest who is offering the Mass but everyone present.
The procession with gifts symbolises that we are all participants in the offering of the Mass as the perfect sacrifice to the Almighty Father. In return for our offering, Jesus becomes really present under the signs of bread and wine, just as He promised.
At St Mary Magdalens, we have a rota of volunteers who wish to be involved in this important part of the Mass. If you would like to volunteer to join this team, please speak to Martin Pakes or use the contact form to send a message to the Offertory Procession email address.
The duty rota for offertory processions covering the Sunday Masses is pinned on the notice board in the church porch, or can be read by clicking here.