
Priest in Residence
Fr Paul Chanh is the priest in residence at at St Mary Magdalen church and can be contacted at the presbytery. Our parish priest is Fr Luke Goymour who can be contacted by [javascript protected email address] using [email protected] or by completing this message form - select parish priest from the recipient drop down list.

Other Useful Parish Contacts

Our parish is committed to the Safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, to taking all reasonable steps to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to promoting a safe environment for them. We will liaise closely and openly with statutory agencies to ensure that any concerns or allegations of abuse that are raised are promptly reported and properly responded to, victims supported and perpetrators held to account. To contact the parish safeguarding rep, use this Contact Form and select Safeguarding from the addressee drop down list, send an [javascript protected email address] to [email protected] or call the Presbytery and leave a message and your call will be returned.

The readers and offertory procession rotas are managed by Martin Pakes. New readers are always welcome. If you would like to join the group that have the privilege of reading God’s word at Mass, please speak to Martin Pakes, or [javascript protected email address] him using [email protected]. You can also use the Contact Form and select "Readers" from the recipient drop-down list. Training and coaching will be given to any new readers.

Flower Arranging:
Our flower team is led by Linis Dolby. We are always on the look out for people with the flair to help arrange the flowers that add to the beauty of the church and help make it a suitably attractive location for the celebration of Holy Mass. If you would like to join our team, you will be very welcome - contact Linis by [javascript protected email address] at [email protected]. You can also use the Contact Form and select "Church Flowers" from the recipient drop-down list.

150 Club:
The 150 Club is a fund-raising lottery to help contribute to the general expenses of running the parish. All parishioners are encouraged to join the Club and membership forms are available in the narthex or here on this web site. Or if you prefer, you can complete and submit our on-line application form you will find here. Should you have any questions in regard to this venture, please contact Michael Long by [javascript protected email address] using [email protected]. You can also use the Contact Form and select "150 Club" from the recipient drop-down list.

Details of the the parish finance committee can be found here. The chair of the finance committee is Declan Moore who can be contacted by [javascript protected email address] using [email protected]. You can also use the Contact Form and select "Finance" from the recipient drop-down list.

Any queries in regard to, or items for inclusion in, the parish newsletter should be sent to [email protected]. You can also use the Contact Form and select "Newsletter" from the recipient drop-down list. Most newsletter items are automatically posted on this web site as well, but for any specific queries in regard to the website, please contact [email protected] or use the Contact Form and select "webmaster" from the recipient drop-down list. There is also a parish Facebook page which you can find here and on both Facebook and WhatsApp there are parish groups open to anybody to join. We also hold email addresses which we use to send out information and updates to those persons who have registered for this - if you would like to be included please send an [javascript protected email address] to [email protected] and provide your email address and request that it be added to the email distribution list.

Parish Hall:
Our hall manager is Linis Dolby. If you have any query in regard to the hall or would like to report an issue, then please contact Linis using [email protected] or click here. You can also use this Contact Form and select "Hall Bookings" from the recipient drop-down list.
For information about the church hall and bookings please visit the hall pages from the main menu.


Please use the following form to contact St. Mary Magdalen Church. Your email address will not be used for spam. Alternatively you can write to the church using the adjacent address.


St Mary Magdalens RC Church
468 Norwich Road
Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 6JS
T: 01473 741975
M: 07516 937592

How to get here:

Click here to locate the church.

Click here to locate the church hall.

Ipswich Hospital

The Lay Catholic Chaplain for the Ipswich Hospital is Rachael Tearle.  In the event that you, or a member of your family, is going in to hospital on an elective or emergency basis, please contact Rachael who will be able to organise suitable pastoral care whilst you are in hospital, liaising as necessary with the Ipswich Catholic clergy.  Rachael can be contacted using this Contact form - select Catholic Lay Chaplain from the drop down contact list - or email her by clicking here.

Please note that for reasons of patient confidentiality, the current practice in the NHS is NOT to inform a priest or any member of the Hospital Chaplaincy team of any Catholics that are admitted to hospital.  So unless you or your relatives inform Rachael or your priest of your hospital stay yourself, you will not be visited by a priest or any other member of the chaplaincy team.

Holy Communion is taken to patients each Sunday morning by a team of Eucharistic Ministers from each of the parishes in the Ipswich deanery.  If you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion whilst you are in hospital, please let Rachael or Fr Paul know - you can use the published telephone numbers to contact him or use this message form.

Sick or Housebound

If you are unwell or unable to attend Mass for any reason, please contact Fr Paul.  We will be able to arrange a visit for you from Fr Paul, or from one of our team of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who will be able to bring Holy Communion to you at your home.