
The Sick of the Parish

We ask your prayers for Patrick Doran, Jim Spence, Margaret Ward née Curry and all our brothers and sisters who are unwell, afflicted, housebound or distressed.

Lord, comfort and relieve them according to their needs, and grant them the love and consolation of your Spirit. Amen

Baptisms in the Parish

Saroya Ekwugha
Today, 9th February 2025, we welcome baby Saroya Ekwugha into the Catholic church and our parish community during the 10:00 am Mass when she will receive the Sacrament of Baptism. Please remember Saroya in your prayers and pray also for her parents John and Tracy and her godparents James and Rachael, that they may guide and support her faithful Christian development in the years ahead.

Thea Rooney

On Sunday 3rd November, 2024, Thea Rooney was Baptised into the Catholic church and welcomed to our parish community. Please remember Thea in your prayers also pray for her parents Harry and Matilda and godparents Peter, Flora and Stacey that they may guide Thea in her faith and help her in her Christian development in the years ahead.

Jakub Majewski

Please pray for Jakub, his parents Piotr and Monika and his godparents Witold Stangierski and Marlena Ruminska as we welcome him into our church and community on Saturday 26th October, 2024.

William Shimmon

On Sunday 5th May, 2024, Fr Paul baptised William Shimmon, son of Adam and Shanel, welcoming him into the Catholic church and the St Mary Magdalen parish. Please remember William, Adam and Shanel in your prayers, and pray also for his godmother Monica Magabulo that she may support his parents faithfully in the development of his Christian life.

Noah Toquero

On Saturday 9th March 2024, we welcomed Noah Toquero into the Catholic Church and our parish community when he was baptised. Please remember Noah in your prayers and also pray for his parents Lawrence and Charlotte and godparents William, Henry, Sameer, Bethany, Erin and Ana that they may guide him to a full and meaningful relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Arthur Finbow

On Sunday 15th October 2023, Arthur was Baptised by Fr Luke and we welcome him into our parish community. Please remember Arthur in your prayers, and pray also for his parents James and Charlotte, his Godparents Rory, Sophie, Laura and Rebecca and all his family.

Kian McMahon
On Saturday 21st October 2023, Kian McMahon will be baptised and we welcome him to our parish community. Please remember Kian in your prayers, and also pray for his parents Riccardo and Rachel, his Godfather Marco McMahon, his Godmother Sarah MacDonald and all his family.

Alias Zizka

Today, 12th November 2023, we welcomed Alias Zizka into the Catholic Church and our parish community when he was baptised at 12 noon. Please remember Alias in your prayers and also pray for his parents and godparents that they may guide their child to a full and meaningful relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Areli Lubin

Today, Sunday 19th November 2023, we welcome Areli Lubin into the Catholic Church and our parish community when she is baptised. Please remember Areli in your prayers and also pray for her parents and godparents that they may guide her to a full and meaningful relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deaths in the Parish

Leslie Jermy
Leslie Jermy, husband of parishioner Magdalen and father of Hannah and Rebecca, sadly passed away in Ipswich Hospital on 26th November 2024. A Requiem Mass was celebrated by Fr Luke Goymour at St Mary Magdalen church on Wednesday 15th January, followed by interment at the Ipswich Lawn Cemetery. Please remember Leslie in your prayers and pray also for the comfort of Magdalen, Hannah and Rebecca and all who mourn his passing.

Mildred "Millie" von Fragstein
Mildred von Fragstein, known generally as Millie, a long standing parishioner of St Mary Magdalen church, passed away on Thursday 27th June 2024 in Heath Road hospital after a short illness. Her body was received into church on 23rd July at 6:00pm, when a special Mass was offered for the repose of her soul, and a requiem Mass was held for Millie on Wednesday 24th July at 10:00 am. Please remember Millie in your prayers, and pray also for her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Mary Chennels
Mary Chennels, one of our most senior parishioners, passed away on April 20th 2024. A long standing parishioner, Mary had spent her last few years in Walton House, Ipswich, before moving to Alice Grange Care Home, Kesgrave, where she passed away. She was visited regularly by Fr Paul who took her Holy Communion each week. Her requiem Mass was celebrated on Friday 10th May at St Mary Magdalen church, followed by cremation at Ipswich crematorium. Please remember Mary in your prayers, and pray also for her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Wilhelmina Firmin
Wilhelmina Firmin, known as Helmi, passed away on February 19th 2024 aged 97 years. The Firmin family were in the parish for many years living on Bramford Road, but Wilhelmina has been most recently a resident at Sherrington House Care Home. Her requiem was held at St Mary Magdalen church on Thursday 21st March. Please pray for Wilhelmina and for her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Sheila Curry
Sheila Curry, one of the last remaining parish founding family members, passed away Saturday 10th February 2024 in the Ipswich Hospital, having only recently celebrated her 97th birthday. Sheila's Requiem Mass was held at St Mary Magdalen church on Tuesday 12th March at 10:30 am, followed by Cremation at the Ipswich Crematorium. Please remember Sheila in your prayers, and pray also for the comfort of her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Patrick Mullan
Patrick "Paddy" Mullan, a long standing parishioner in the parish, passed away in hospital on 14th January 2024. His Requiem Mass was held at St Mary Magdalen church on Tuesday 13th February. Please pray for the repose of Patrick’s soul, and also remember in your prayers his widow Martha and all his family and friends who mourn his passing.

Ida James
Ida James, a parishioner of many years standing, passed away on Wednesday 6th December 2023. A Requiem Mass for Ida will be celebrated on Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 10:00 am. Please remember Ida in your prayers, and pray also for her son Anthony and all her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Margaret "Peggy" Heffer
Margaret Heffer, who many of you will know as a parishioner of many years standing, passed away on Wednesday 18th October 2023 after a long battle with cancer. Please remember Margaret in your prayers, and pray also for her family and friends who mourn her passing. Funeral arrangements will be announced once known.

Philip Razzell RIP
Many of you will have known Philip Razzell, a long-standing member of the parish and a regular at 8:00 Mass. Sadly Philip passed away in hospital on 26th June 2023 after a short illness. His funeral was held at the Seven Hills Cemetery on Thursday 20th July. Please remember Philip in your prayers, and also his friends and family who will be mourning his loss.

Maureen Sparkes RIP
A regular at the 6:00 pm evening Mass for many years, Maureen passed away on 27th December 2022. A Requiem Mass was held at St Mary Magdalen church at 11:00 am Thursday 16th February 2023 , followed by interment at the Ipswich Lawn Cemetery. Please pray for the repose of Maureen’s soul and remember her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Deacon Clive Brooks RIP
Deacon Clive Brooks, who ministered at St Mary Magdalen for many years during the tenure of Fr Russell Frost as parish priest, passed away on December 21st 2022 after a long battle with cancer. Clive also worked tirelessly as the Catholic Chaplain to the Hospital for many years prior to his retirement. He has now been reunited with his beloved wife Mary who passed away in 2011. Please remember Clive in your prayers, and remember also his family and friends who mourn his loss. You can read a tribute to Clive, written by his friend and colleague Deacon John Morrill, on the Diocesan web site - click here.

Ron Green RIP
Many of the older parishioners will remember Ron Green, a regular at St Mary Magdalen church for many years before his health failed. Sadly, Ron passed away on 20th December 2022 at home, after a long and difficult period of illness. Please remember Ron in your prayers and also his widow Pamela, his sons and all those who mourn his passing. A funeral service for Ron was held on Tuesday 31st January at 2:00 pm.

Frank Sutton RIP
Many of you will remember Frank Sutton who with his wife Rosina, was very active in the parish and school in years past. Sadly Frank passed away on 1st November 2022 peacefully at home, with his family around him, after a long battle with cancer. A memorial Mass for Frank was held on Tuesday 29th November . Please pray for the repose of his soul, and for the comfort of his widow, family and friends who mourn his passing.

Fr Martin Orme RIP
It is with great sadness that we announce the Fr Martin Orme, former assistant priest at St Mary Magdalen church, died peacefully on Tuesday 18th October 2022 having received the Last Rites on Monday, and is now reunited with his beloved wife Jean who passed away one year earlier. You can read his obituary written bt Fr Russel Frost on the Diocesan web site here. Please pray for the repose of Fr Martin's soul and for the comfort of his friends and family who mourn his passing.

Heather Poll RIP
It is with great sadness that we announce that Heather Poll, wife of Jim, passed away on Saturday 3rd September 2022 following serious health issues bravely born. Heather, aged 79, was the younger daughter of James and Catherine Barrett, one of the founding families of St Mary Magdalen parish. Please pray for the repose of her soul, and remember also her husband Jim, her daughter Beverley, her sister Molly, brother Michael and all her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Michael Wojciechowski RIP
You may remember back in January, we had a Requiem Mass for Stanislaw Wojciechowski. The Mass on Saturday, 10th September at 12 noon, is a requiem for his son Michael, who sadly died in August 2022. Due to ongoing ill health, Michael had separated himself from his friends and at times from his family.

Annick Smith RIP
Annick Smith who was a regular in the parish for many years, sadly passed away on 9th November 2021. A Requiem Mass was held at St Mary Magdalen church at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 1st December, which, at the request of the family, was live streamed from church so that family and friends in France could witness the service. You can watch the live stream here.

Please pray for the repose of her soul, and remember her family and friends who will be mourning her passing.

Karen Sutton RIP
Many parishioners will know Karen Sutton, daughter of Frank and Rosie, who sadly passed away on Thursday 16th December 2021. Please pray for her and remember her family and friends who mourn her passing.

Jean Ward (née Marchant) RIP
Many of our older parishioners will remember Jean Ward, the elder daughter of Ted and Agnes Marchant who were themselves one of the founding families of the parish. Jean sadly passed away in the St Elizabeth Hospice on Sunday 19th December 2021, after a long struggle with cancer. Her funeral was held at 11:15 am on Monday 24th January, 2022, at the Seven Hills crematorium. Please remember Jean in your prayers, and also the family and friends that mourn her passing.

Martha Ndow-Grace RIP
Martha sadly passed away in hospital on December 28th 2021. Please pray for the repose of her soul, and remember her friends and family who mourn her passing. Her funeral took place at St Mary Magdalen church on Friday 28th January, 2022 at 11:45 am and was followed by her committal at Ipswich crematorium.

Francis Jacobi RIP
Many of our older parishioners will remember Francis Jacobi who, until moving away to Derbyshire in 2015, was a regular at St Mary Magdalen church and many will remember Jacobi's bicycle shop on Norwich Road which he ran for many years. Francis sadly passed away on January 28th 2021 aged 91 years. Please remember Francis in your prayers, and pray also for his wife, family and friends who mourn his passing.

May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.

St Mary Magdalen Parish Structure

At Mass recently, Fr Luke announced changes to the governance structure of the parishes of St Mary Magdalen, St Mark and Holy Family, Brantham which are being implemented.

A Senior Leadership Team (SLT) has been established and will work alongside Fr Luke to advise and assist in the daily management of the parish. The SLT members have delegated authority and will help as leaders in our parishes. The members of the SLT are [javascript protected email address], [javascript protected email address], [javascript protected email address], [javascript protected email address] and [javascript protected email address]. They can be contacted direct via email for non-urgent parish matters - simply click the relevant name to email them.

To work alongside the SLT, a larger consultative body, to be called the Parish Mission Council (PMC) is to be established. Comprising members drawn from each of the three parish communities, the PMC will help Fr Luke in leading the parish as well as functioning as a consultative body, not unlike a governing body in a school. The PMC will help shape the mission and life of our parishes and, importantly, as a presence in each community, it will also be a point of contact for anyone who would like to raise non-urgent and strategic parish issues for discussion. The PMC members for St Mary Magdalen parish are Michael Long, Martin Pakes, Tracey Snell and Declan Moore with one further appointment pending.

You can read the full announcement made by Fr Luke, together with the diagrammatic representation of the new governance model, here.

Ipswich Hospital Chaplaincy

There is a mixed faith chaplaincy team working at the Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road. This team, in part full time and in part volunteers, helps minister to the spiritual needs of in-patients.

The role of Catholic chaplain is currently unfilled, following the departure of Fr Bineesh OCD from St Marks, and a new appointment is awaited from the Bishop of East Anglia. In the mean time, please let Fr Paul, or any other Ipswich parish priest, know if you, or any member of your family, are going into hospital. Please be aware that for reasons of patient confidentiality, the current practice in the NHS is NOT to inform the chaplains of any Catholics that are admitted to hospital. So unless you or your relatives inform the chaplains of your hospital stay, you will not be visited by a priest or any other member of the chaplaincy team.

Each Sunday morning, a Eucharistic Minister from one of the Ipswich parishes, visits the hospital to take Holy Communion to those that have requested it. However, the hospital gives no patient information to the chaplains, consequently we have no knowledge of Catholic patients. So if you, or any member of your family, are going into hospital and would like to receive the ministrations of the Church whilst there, please let Fr Paul or Fr Luke know.