

In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, the term "lector" or "reader" can mean someone who in a particular liturgy is assigned to read a Biblical text other than the Gospel, the reading of which, at Mass, is reserved specifically for an ordained deacon or priest. This lay ministry is held in high esteem by the Church. Before Vatican II only men who had been ordained to this Minor Order were allowed to read at Mass. Since Vatican II the Church has allowed lay men and women to proclaim God’s Word, but the role of the lector at mass is no less important than before.

Readers should remember they are proclaiming the Word of God and as such should always carry out their ministry responsibly, with dignity and respect.

Our readers at Mass are drawn from volunteers across the parish who want to partake in this ministry. Coaching and guidance can be provided if required to help younger or more nervous individuals unaccustomed to speaking in public. The readers, and the scheduling of their duties, are managed by Martin Pakes. If you would like to be considered to join this lay ministry at St Mary Magdalens, please contact Martin using the contact form or speak to Fr Paul.

The current schedule for our readers is posted in the Narthex.

Following the raining day for readers and Eucharistic ministers on November 16th, 2024, revised document describing the norms for readers to follow when ministering at Mass can be found here and should be read and followed by every minister.

New Readers

We'd like to invite more people to become readers in the parish and Martin Pakes will be speaking about this at the end of each Mass on Sunday 16th June. A training evening for readers will be held on Wed 26th June at 7:30 pm starting in the Guild Room and moving on to practice in the church, finishing by 9:00 pm - new readers are most welcome. Please speak to Martin either after Mass for more information, or use the contact form to get in touch.

Readers Rota

The rota for readers at Sunday Masses and other major feast days, is published in advance and can be found on the notice board in the church porch. Alternatively, you can read it on-line or download it by clicking here,

The current rota covers the period to 20th April, 2025.