When Details More info
13th January 13/01

Margaret Howes (1998)

14th January 14/01

Kevin Finegan (2009)

Patrick Mullan (2024)

15th January 15/01

Martha Bacon (1970)

Alpha Course 15/01/2025
12:30 - 14:00

The tenth session of the new Alpha course, entitled Why and How Should I Tell Others?, will be held in the Garden Room at St Mary Magdalen Church. The session is repeated in St Mark's church hall, 180 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich, IP2 0QQ at 7:30pm in the evening.

16th January 16/01

Marie Thulliez (1970)

Eleanor Ivemy (1983)

17th January 17/01

Marjorie Reddington (1985)

Mary Titterington

Ruth Frost (1974)

18th January 18/01

James Walsh (1958)

Luigi Buglione (1990)

Henry Teuma (2018)

Adriana Tucciarone (2021)

19th January 19/01

Michael Mongan (2018)

20th January 20/01

Monica Ford (2021)

21st January 21/01

Helen Frost (2005)