The 2022 parish accounts have recently been completed and show a loss of £0.7k for the year on General Funds. A summary of the accounts is pinned on the notice board in the church porch, or you can download a copy here.
Main items of expenditure during the year included repairs to and eventual replacement of the presbytery boiler and repairs to the organ. A new accessible front door was fitted to the Garden Room and a further set of table and chairs purchased. Fencing to the rear of the church hall was replaced and new votive candle stands installed in the church. We were grateful to receive donations to cover the cost of both the door and the fencing.
General Income showed a substantial increase over 2021 as Covid restrictions were lifted, the impact being felt mainly in the level of the offertory collection and in income from hall rentals.
With regard to Restricted Income we were extremely fortunate to receive a generous donation to cover the cost of replacing the hall roof membrane and installing insulation. This work will be carried out in 2023.
During 2023 it is also anticipated that, barring any large unforeseen items of expenditure, we should have accumulated sufficient funds to replace the hall windows with uPVC double glazed units further improving the building’s energy efficiency.
Our aim is to seek sources of grant funding where available for further improvements to the hall, which continues to be a valuable parish asset.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.
he 2021 parish accounts have recently been completed and show a loss of £8.4k on General Funds. Expenditure on maintenance of buildings has been particularly high this year, the main items being (i) replacement of the flat roof on the Guild Room kitchen/toilet block following the discovery of wet rot in the supporting timbers (ii) electrical works required following an inspection in January including rewiring of the church and works in the hall and (iii) refurbishment of the presbytery including complete re-carpetting and replacement of some old furniture / furnishings.
Income was affected by a number of factors including a lack of hall rental income in the first quarter of the year due to Covid restrictions and a reduction in Alive in Faith income as funds from the first phase have now all been received. These reductions were however offset by receipt of a grant from the LD Rope charity to supplement parish resources and accrual of Giftaid tax rebate receivable but not yet claimed for the tax year commencing April 2021, the first year that this adjustment has been made to the accounts.
We have been fortunate to receive donations for a new church noticeboard and purchase of a new monstrance during the year and we are also grateful for donations received towards the cost of our new Parish Room - now known as the Garden Room - which together with a contribution from Alive in Faith income has allowed it's completion without impacting on general parish funds.
Looking forward to the year ahead, aside from continued maintenance of the church and presbytery, our main focus needs to be on the church hall which has suffered badly from lack of investment over the years, the income having been used to supplement general parish resources rather than improvements to the hall.
We have now reached the stage where we need to invest in the hall in order to ensure continuation of the valuable income stream which it provides as well as maintaining it as a usable parish facility.
A summary of the accounts can also be downloaded here.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.
The 2020 parish accounts have recently been completed and despite reductions in our offertory and hall rents totalling in excess of £12k show a small surplus on General Funds of £269. This was possible due mainly to receipt of a revenue grant of £5k from the Rope Fund charity coupled with Alive in Faith income of £4k, plus lower spending on property maintenance and other running costs as a result of restricted operations in the church and hall. 2021 will however be another challenging year as income from the offertory and hall rentals is likely to remain depressed. Property maintenance will need to remain at the top of our list of priorities as we seek to ensure that the fabric of our buildings is not allowed to deteriorate. For instance we have recently discovered that the flat roof on the kitchenette/toilet block has been leaking and is in need of repair. Those parishioners who are not attending services in person at the moment and who normally put their offertory in the collection plate can assist with supporting the church by making their offering by standing order to our bank account. Details can be found here or forms are available in the narthex. Copies of the 2020 summarised accounts are available in the narthex and can found here.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.
A summary of the income and expenditure of the parish for 2019 is now available in the narthex - please take a copy for your review and information. A summary of the accounts can also be downloaded here.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.
A summary of the income and expenditure of the parish for 2018 is now available in the narthex - please take a copy for your review and information. A summary of the accounts can also be downloaded here.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.
A summary of the income and expenditure of the parish for 2017 is now available in the narthex - please take a copy for your review and information. A summary of the accounts can also be downloaded here.
Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an [javascript protected email address] to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.