
Key Holder Registration

For reasons of security and insurance, all persons holding any key(s) to any church property are required to complete and submit a key holder registration form . The form can be found here and should be completed, signed, dated and returned to either Fr Paul or Fr Luke.

Registration Form

In order to ensure that, as a parish, we have accurate records of our parishioners, we know how to contact them when necessary and we understand the resources that are available to call upon to assist in parish life, all parishioners are requested to complete a registration form.

Data contained on the forms submitted will be compiled into a parish records database which will be maintained securely and used exclusively for the purposes of parish administration and communication within the parish. It will not be shared with any other party, with the sole exception of cases where the parish has to submit returns to the Diocese.

All data will be handled and stored in compliance with the Privacy Policy.

The parish registration form can be found here. To register, please download and fill in the form, returning the signed and completed form to Fr Paul or by email to [email protected].