Offerings to the Church may be made using the HMRC Gift Aid scheme. If you would like to make weekly offerings via the collection plate at Mass, and you are a UK tax payer, please register for the scheme - speak to any member of the finance committee or use the contact form. Once signed up, you will be issued with a set of envelopes to use in making your weekly offering.
However, in recent years it has become more popular to make donations by standing order direct from your bank account rather than via the collecting plate at Mass. If you would like to set up a standing order, you can do so using internet banking. Set up a recurring payment to:
St Mary Magdalen Roman Catholic Parish
Barclays Bank plc, Ipswich, Princes Street branch
Sort code: 20-44-51
Account number: 70777323
Alternatively, you can complete a standing order mandate form. Blank forms are available in the narthex, or you can download a form here.
Complete the form, sign and date it and take it to your bank branch which will then set the payment up for you.
Don't forget, however you submit your offerings, if you register with the Gift Aid scheme the parish can claim back from the Government the income tax you have already paid on your offering. It costs you nothing and it allows the church to claim back 25 pence from the Government for every £1 of your offering.