When Details More info
Annick Smith 09/11

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Annick Smith RIP, commemorating her anniversary.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2047

Canon Mathew George 07/01

Foundation Mass offered for Canon Mathew George, former parish priest of St Mary Magdalen church, commemorating the anniversary of his ordination.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2043
Eric List 01/02

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Eric List RIP.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2035
Elsie Robinson 10/02

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Elsie Robinson RIP, commemorating her anniversary.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2029

Leslie Robinson 10/03

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Leslie Robinson RIP, commemorating his anniversary.

Offered annually on or about this date until until 2026
Martin Curry 30/03

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Martin Curry RIP commemorating the anniversary of his wedding to wife Sheila.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2027
Doreen Andrews 13/04

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Doreen Andrews RIP, commemorating her anniversary.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2039

Ernie Lacey 14/04

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Ernie Lacey RIP.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2031
Elsie Lacey 22/04

Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Elsie Lacey RIP, commemorating her anniversary.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2039
George and Gladys Collins 22/04

Foundation Mass offered for George & Gladys Collins.

Offered annually on or about this date until 2028