A Foundation Mass is a memorial Mass established with the Diocese to be offered for the selected intention on an annual basis for a period of 25 years. Foundation Masses are established with the Diocese, rather than with the local parish church, to ensure they continue to be observed even though changes to local clergy may take place. The Diocese sends to each parish an annual list of the Foundation Masses that have been established in that parish, together with the preferred date for them to be offered, for example to mark a specific anniversary of a loved one, so that the parish priest can arrange for the Mass to be celebrated on the due date. To establish a Foundation Mass, the donor should complete a Diocesan request form and hand it to the parish priest along with a cheque for £100, made payable to the Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia. The form is then counter-signed by the priest before it is sent to the Diocesan administrator who will process and record the request and issue the decree.
The Diocesan form to be used to request the establishment of a Foundation Mass can be found here.
The list below shows the Foundation Masses currently established in the parish. These will be celebrated on the requested date if possible, or if not then on the nearest available date.
When | Details | More info | |
Jamie Campbell | 02/03 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Jamie Campbell RIP. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2048 |
Leslie Robinson | 10/03 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Leslie Robinson RIP, commemorating his anniversary. |
Offered annually on or about this date until until 2026 |
Martin Curry | 30/03 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Martin Curry RIP commemorating the anniversary of his wedding to wife Sheila. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2027 |
Doreen Andrews | 13/04 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Doreen Andrews RIP, commemorating her anniversary. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2039 |
Ernie Lacey | 14/04 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Ernie Lacey RIP. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2031 |
Elsie Lacey | 22/04 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Elsie Lacey RIP, commemorating her anniversary. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2039 |
George and Gladys Collins | 22/04 | Foundation Mass offered for George & Gladys Collins. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2028 |
Peter Kavanagh | 18/06 | Foundation Mass offered for the repose of the soul of Peter Kavanagh RIP, commemorating his anniversary. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2028 |
Andews & Long Families | 28/06 | Foundation Mass offered for all members of the Andrews and Long Families - living and dead. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2033 |
Lacey Family | 07/07 | Foundation Mass offered for all members of the Lacey family, living and dead. |
Offered annually on or about this date until 2028 |