
Parish Accounts 2020

The 2020 parish accounts have recently been completed and despite reductions in our offertory and hall rents totalling in excess of £12k show a small surplus on General Funds of £269. This was possible due mainly to receipt of a revenue grant of £5k from the Rope Fund charity coupled with Alive in Faith income of £4k, plus lower spending on property maintenance and other running costs as a result of restricted operations in the church and hall. 2021 will however be another challenging year as income from the offertory and hall rentals is likely to remain depressed. Property maintenance will need to remain at the top of our list of priorities as we seek to ensure that the fabric of our buildings is not allowed to deteriorate. For instance we have recently discovered that the flat roof on the kitchenette/toilet block has been leaking and is in need of repair. Those parishioners who are not attending services in person at the moment and who normally put their offertory in the collection plate can assist with supporting the church by making their offering by standing order to our bank account. Details can be found here or forms are available in the narthex. Copies of the 2020 summarised accounts are available in the narthex and can found here.

Should you have any queries on the accounts that you would like answered, please speak to a member of the Finance Committee, send an email to the finance team or use the contact form on this site and select Finance to submit your question.