To join the 150 Club, please complete an application form and return it to the Club secretary either by posting the completed form through the presbytery letter box, or placing it in the collection plate at mass. Alternatively you can submit the completed form electronically by email to [email protected]. Application forms can be found in the entrance porch at the back of the church or you can download one by clicking here.
The form should be completed to give your name and address, the number of subscriptions you would like and the preferred payment method. We also ask for an email address to use for administrative purposes in correspondence about your subscription, and your bank details so any prizes you win can be paid direct to you.
Alternatively, to make things quicker, we have an on-line application form you can use here.
If you elect to pay half yearly or annually, please send the money directly using internet banking to Santander account number 22753604, sort code 09-01-55 if possible. Alternatively, please send a cheque made payable to St Mary Magdalen 150 Club with the form, (£6 per number if paying half yearly, £12 per number if paying annually). You can hand deliver the form to the presbytery or post it to St Mary Magdalen 150 Club, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS.
Should you elect to pay monthly, you can pay by standing order to the account detailed above or if you would rather pay in cash, then a set of special envelopes will be prepared for you detailing the amount to be paid and the due date, and you can simply deposit your monthly subscription payment in the envelope into the collection plate at Mass or post it through the Presbytery letter box.