
Offertory Receipts 2021

During the lockdown, and restricted Mass attendance post-lockdown, the parish income through the “collection plate” has been reduced, but we are grateful to those who have switched to standing order payments or have made direct payments on-line to help keep the bills paid! The income year to date is as follows:

January: £1897 of which £1021 was Gift Aided.

February: £1318 of which £965 was Gift Aided.

March: £2232 of which £1502 was Gift Aided.

April: £1625 of which £970 was Gift Aided.

May: £2070 of which £1160 was Gift Aided.

June: £2005 of which £1020 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £985 was cash collected at church.

July: £1949 of which £1110 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £839 was cash collected at church. Additionally, £200.34 was collected for the Apostleship of the Sea,

August: £2295 of which £1130 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £1165 was cash collected at church.

September: £1,900 of which £1,110 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £790 was cash collected at church.

October: £1,789.35 of which £1,070 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £719.35 was cash collected at church. Additionally £312.70 was collected for CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and £228.35 for World Mission Sunday.

November: £2,120 of which £1,170 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £950 was cash collected at church

December: £1,650 of which £1,005 was standing orders paid direct to the parish account and £645 was cash collected at church. The Christmas collection, a personal gift to the parish priest, amounted to £1,153.

Thank you all for your generosity.