
There is Work to Be Done

On Ascension Day, the disciples, after watching Jesus ascend into heaven, are asked by two angels why they are standing looking into the sky when there is work to be done! We too are called to the same work the disciples were; to spread the Good News of Jesus, to be involved in our local communities doing good and to be involved in our own parish, helping out where ever possible.

As we begin to live lives more normally and as the Church calls us all back to practicing our faith each Sunday in person, it is a perfect time to take stock, to reflect and to think about how we can all get involved in all of these areas, but perhaps especially within the Parish. Could you help clean, could you help set up for Mass or tidy away afterwards, could you help welcome people, would you like to be an altar server, a reader, an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist? If you answer yes to any of these, please do speak to Fr Paul, or use the Contact Form to get in touch. Our parish relies on the help of its own parishioners to grow and flourish.