
The Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden is located in the south east section of the St Mary Magdalen Catholic Church grounds. It is a tranquil place with flower beds and trees offering a location where the cremated remains of deceased parishioners may be interred and friends and relatives can sit in peaceful surroundings and remember their loved ones.

In accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church, cremated remains are buried and not scattered. Our Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead on the last day means that we treat all human remains with great dignity and respect; our dust and ashes will one day be transformed into the new body of the resurrection, and so should not be allowed to be blown away by the wind, but, rather, reverently laid to rest in the earth.

In order to arrange for such a burial, in the first instance please contact the parish priest, who will provide you with an application form which should be completed and returned before a date and time for the internment can be agreed. There is no fee charged for such burials, but a donation towards the future upkeep of the Memorial Garden would be both appropriate and appreciated; for information, the fee charged by the Millennium Cemetery to bury cremated remains is currently £278.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to bury any form of casket or urn containing the remains; rather the remains should be brought to the church in the cardboard box in which the crematorium issues them to the undertaker, and at the burial, they should be reverently poured into the hole which will be prepared in advance.

In order to maintain the character of the Memorial Garden, individual memorials may not be placed at the spot where the burial takes place. However, you may provide a small engraved plaque which we will then fix to the southern church wall within the garden area.

Artificial flowers or wreaths are not permitted to be left in the Memorial Garden. Real flowers may be left but any wrappings and packaging should first be removed. Nothing should be planted in the Memorial Garden flower beds without first obtaining permission from the parish priest.

If you would like to be involved in the upkeep and maintenance of the Memorial Garden where your loved ones are interred, we are always appreciative of offers of help and support.