
New Readers

We'd like to invite more people to become readers in the parish and Martin Pakes will be speaking about this at the end of each Mass on Sunday 16th June. A training evening for readers will be held on Wed 26th June at 7:30 pm starting in the Guild Room and moving on to practice in the church, finishing by 9:00 pm - new readers are most welcome. Please speak to Martin either after Mass for more information, or use the contact form to get in touch.

Pastoral Care Visits

The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) has lifted the restrictions on home visits in line with Government relaxation of some of the Covid regulations. Home visits by priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may now restart, subject to the guidelines laid down by the CBCEW. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion involved in home visits should download a copy of the Guidance for Acts of Worship – Pastoral Care of the Sick which must be followed.

Click here to download the guidance document.

Now that he has settled in to the parish, Fr Paul would very much like to get around and visit more people who are, for whatever reason, unable to get to Mass in person. If you know of anybody in this position who would appreciate a visit, please check with them first, and then pass their details to Fr Paul who can will then contact them to arrange a home visit.

Readers Rota

The rota for readers at Sunday Masses and other major feast days, is published in advance and can be found on the notice board in the church porch. Alternatively, you can read it on-line or download it by clicking here,

The current rota covers the period to 15th September 2024.

Latest Rota

The latest edition of the rota for Eucharistic Minister cover of Sunday Masses, which covers the period from 16th September to 10th November 2024 can be found here.