
Accounts for 2017-2018

The Club accounts for year ending 31st March 2018, have been audited, signed off and reported to the Local Council as required by the Gambling Act. The results are:

Total income: £2,676

Prizes awarded: £1,045 (39%)

Expenses: £20

Parish Contribution: £1,611

Thank you to everybody who supported the Club last year and in the previous years past. We do need new subscribers to help boost the numbers which are down on previous years. If you are not a member, please do consider joining - details can be found in this section. If you are already a member, please consider increasing your membership.

The Committee

This year, 2022-2023, there have been some changes to the sub-committee that oversees the running of the 150 Club. With the change to our parish priest, Fr Paul Spellman takes over from Canon Mathew George as the new titular head of the sub-committee, which reports to the parish Finance Committee. Mrs Dorothy Casey continues in her role as Promoter which she has filled since March 2017 and Michael Long continues to act in the role of secretary/treasurer.

The Club auditor is Mr M Mayston, who has fulfilled this role for over 30 years, and to whom we remain very grateful for this service.

The Club is registered with the local authority under the Gambling Act 2005, the regulator which oversees the Club activities being Ipswich Borough Council. Any query in regard to the Club's operation should initially be directed to the Secretary - use the contact form here and select 150 Club from the drop down recipient selection list.

If necessary, the regulator can be contacted as follows quoting registration reference LA0105:

Ipswich Borough Council
Licensing & Enforcement
4th Floor, Grafton House
15-17 Russell Road
Telephone 01473 433075


The Club year runs from April to March and we are just embarking on the the 2017-18 year - our 33rd year. Unfortunately, the membership level has fallen in recent years from a peak in 2011, and we are keen to increase membership levels again so that both contributions to the parish and the value of the prize fund increase.

If you are not a member of this fund raising venture, please do join - we need your support. You can apply using a form available at the rear of the church or by downloading the application from here. Return the form either to the presbytery, pop it in the collection plate at any Mass or email it to the 150 club secretary using the contact form.

Membership Application Form

To join the 150 Club, please complete an application form and return it to the Club secretary either by posting the completed form through the presbytery letter box, or placing it in the collection plate at mass. Alternatively you can submit the completed form electronically by email to [email protected]. Application forms can be found in the entrance porch at the back of the church or you can download one by clicking here.

The form should be completed to give your name and address, the number of subscriptions you would like and the preferred payment method. We also ask for an email address to use for administrative purposes in correspondence about your subscription, and your bank details so any prizes you win can be paid direct to you.

Alternatively, to make things quicker, we have an on-line application form you can use here.

If you elect to pay half yearly or annually, please send the money directly using internet banking to Santander account number 22753604, sort code 09-01-55 if possible. Alternatively, please send a cheque made payable to St Mary Magdalen 150 Club with the form, (£6 per number if paying half yearly, £12 per number if paying annually). You can hand deliver the form to the presbytery or post it to St Mary Magdalen 150 Club, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS.

Should you elect to pay monthly, you can pay by standing order to the account detailed above or if you would rather pay in cash, then a set of special envelopes will be prepared for you detailing the amount to be paid and the due date, and you can simply deposit your monthly subscription payment in the envelope into the collection plate at Mass or post it through the Presbytery letter box.

April Prize Draw Results

The April prize draw was made in the Garden Room on Sunday 14th May. The winners are as follows:

First Prize£25186Mr & Mrs C Croker
Second Prize£20207Mrs P Williamson
Third Prize£15213Mrs R Tearle
Fourth Prize£10126Mr & Mrs M Pakes

Previous Year's Winners

No records of prize winners is available for years prior to computerisation of the 150 Club records in 1994. A complete list of prize winners from then to date can be found below:

1994-1995 winners 1995-1996 winners 1996-1997 winners 1997-1998 winners1998-1999 winners 1999-2000 winners
2000-2001 winners 2001-2002 winners 2002-2003 winners 2003-2004 winners2004-2005 winners 2005-2006 winners
2006-2007 winners 2007-2008 winners 2008-2009 winners 2009-2010 winners2010-2011 winners 2011-2012 winners
2012-2013 winners 2013-2014 winners 2014-2015 winners 2015-2016 winners2016-2017 winners 2017-2018 winners
2018-2019 winners 2019-2020 winners 2020-2021 winners 2021-2022 winners2022-2023 winners 2023-2024 winners