
Gift Aid

Would all those parishioners who normally make their weekly offering using Gift Aid envelopes please note that their new 2024/25 envelopes are now available for collection from the Narthex. If you can't find your envelopes in the box please write your name on the sheet provided for this purpose and they will be made available to you next week. If anyone who has already signed up to giving by Gift Aid has changed their address during the last year, or did not pay sufficient income or capital gains tax to cover the tax reclaimable on their offerings, then please notify either Fr. Luke, Fr. Paul or Chris Croker (Gift Aid Co-ordinator).

The Chosen

Would you like to be Chosen? Hopefully the answer to that question is "Yes!"

What is Chosen? Chosen is a historical drama about the life of Jesus, but told through the lives of those who knew Him best, those whom He chose, those to whom He said, ‘follow me.’ And the greatest message of all is that we – watching the show today - are also the chosen. God chose to give His only son for us, that we might know everlasting life. It is probably the most successful TV show you have never heard of. It is a ground-breaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. The Chosen is based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ.

Who will be chosen? The Chosen sessions are open to all and you are all warmly invited to come along. There is no charge for attending.

Why Should I Be Chosen? This dramatic adaptation of the Bible will be helpful in understanding the stories in the New Testament and their context in the socio-political events of the time. The disciples were all ordinary men and their arguments, pettiness, irritability and confusion, as well as their bravery and conviction, are convincingly portrayed. You cannot understand the New Testament without appreciating the Hebrew scriptures, or Old Testament, which provides the social and religious context from which Christianity emerged, and the Chosen captures the Jewish commitment to faith in God permeating every part of life: every meal, every drink, every entrance to every house. The political context of Jesus life and ministry is evident in this production as Jesus lived and ministered during a time of imperial occupation and The Chosen conveys the political significance of Israel’s subjugation to the mighty Roman Empire. You also see the power-play between the Pharisees and a religious establishment determined to stamp out challenges to their authority. The Chosen helps you understand the controversy created by Jesus’ actions and his claims. In displaying his humanity, it does not downplay Jesus’ supernatural power and his claims to be the Messiah. But this is deeply controversial because Jesus of Nazareth was not the Messiah anyone was expecting - to many he was a deluded and dangerous blasphemer who should be condemned and silenced. Children as young as seven have been captivated by the series, while people who have been Christians for forty years or more have said that it has brought the Bible and the character of Jesus to life for them in new ways. Come along and judge for yourself.

The Alpha Course

The current Alpha course has now finished and positive feedback has been received from a number of the attendees. For the first time this year, Alpha course attendance was made compulsory for parents of the First Holy Communion children, but the course is open to all and a number of other people attended and have commented on its value. It is intended to hold two further Alpha courses later in the year and details of these will be announced soon.

Would You be Interested in a Craft Session?

It has been suggested that we might start a craft group within the parish. Such a group would probably meet on a monthly basis in the afternoon or possibly an evening during the week. If you would be interested in such a venture, or would like to hear more information about this idea and the sorts of crafts that might be covered, then please contact Jean McSorley on 01473 462740 or by email to [email protected]

FIND - Most Needed Items

Thank you all for the continuing generosity you show by your regular donations to the FIND tub in the church porch. We have been given a list of most needed items from FIND which is as follows:

  • squash;
  • tinned vegetables;
  • tinned fruit;
  • small jars of coffee;
  • tinned rice pudding.

Any of these items will be very gladly received but they are only suggestions - any and all donations that you can make will be very welcome and help others less fortunate than ourselves. Also, if anybody has any spare bags they could donate, these are always useful in distributing food.

We have also received a special thank you from Maureen Reynel, founder and director of FIND, for all our donations in the past and for our continuing support.

Side By Side

The latest edition of the CAFOD magazine Side By Side, Winter 2023, has been published. You can read this by clicking the adjacent image.
This issue contains a review of the year 2023, some ideas for new year resolutions, details of an exciting project bringing tradition and technology together in Liberia, comment on Pope Francis' letter Laudate Deum - a call to action on climate change and an article on the reclaiming of deforested land in the Amazon.

A Prayer for Food Justice
Lord Jesus, You understand what it is like to be hungry.
Teach us to have grateful and generous hearts.
Forgive us when we make selfish choices or remain silent in the face of injustice.

Lord Jesus, you welcomed all to your table.
May we recognise our interconnectedness with our common home and our global neighbours,
so all are invited to share the feast.

Lord Jesus, you come to us as bread and wine.
Fill us with your compassion.
Nourish us as we advocate for change,
and seek to make your kingdom a reality in our world.


Diocesan Year Book 2024

The Diocesan Yearbook contains a comprehensive, up-to-date guide to the Diocese of East Anglia. It carries all necessary contact information, curia, departments and commissions, parishes, Mass times, clergy and religious, schools, hospital, diary dates, societies and organisations and a retreat centre guide. It also carries a pictorial review of 2023 and the authoritative Diocesan Calendar for 2024.

You can pick up a copy, which is available in the church porch, price £3 each. Alternatively, the year book is available on-line to read and use for reference purposes - just click the image to the left.

CAFOD World Gifts

CAFOD has a range of gifts available for Christmas and other special occasions throughout the year. The 2023-2024 gift catalogue is filled with ethical and sustainable presents for friends and family to mark birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations as well as Christmas itself.

You can find the World Gifts catalogue in the church porch, complete with a Freepost order form, or you can buy them online from the CAFOD web site - click here.

Alive In Faith

The latest Alive in Faith newsletter is available, providing updates on the project, the funds raised and their disposition. You can read the newsletter here.

LIFE Annual Report

Life is a major pregnancy and maternal support charity in the United Kingdom, which has made national headlines for its anti-abortion message. The charity was founded in 1970 by husband and wife Jack and Nuala Scarisbrick. Catholics and evangelicals form the majority of Life's membership and support.

Life has just published its annual review containing many stories and case studies showcasing its work. You can read the annual review by clicking the image opposite.

As with all charities, funds are always a challenge and Life is welcoming donations. If you would like to donate you can do so on the Life web site here.